Category Archives: Anti gout

Tips to get rid of kidney stones

The intensity of the pain that comes on when a small stone (calculus) tries to make its way through the urinary tract cannot be described in simple words. Severe, excruciating, gut wrenching are just some words that can come near to describing this pain. You can avoid this pain by knowing why renal calculi are formed and what you can do to prevent them.

Renal calculi are deposits of small, hard particles formed inside your kidneys. The stones are mainly composed of minerals and acid salts. Often, they are formed when the urine becomes too concentrated, allowing minerals and salts to crystallize and stick together.

Types of stones:

Calculi are broadly classified into two major groups, radio-opaque and radiolucent. Radio-opaque calculi are visible on standard x-rays while radiolucent calculi can not be detected on standard x-rays. They are visible only on CT Scans. The examples of radio-opaque calculus are Calcium Oxalate, Calcium Phosphate and Struvite calculi. Common radiolucent calculi include Uric Acid, Triamterene and Xanthine stones.

What symptoms may be present when one has renal calculi?

  • Pain that radiates to the groins
  • Pain that comes in waves
  • Pain while passing urine
  • Pink or red urine
  • Cloudy urine
  • Difficulty passing urine

Simple tips to prevent kidney stones:

  • The most effective non-medication therapy for this problem is increasing fluid intake. If you live in a dry and hot climate or if you exercise frequently, you should drink even more water to produce a sufficient amount of urine. The best way to know if you are drinking enough water is to check the appearance of your urine. If it is clear and light, you’re drinking enough water.
  • Medical experts advise patients to decrease their protein intake because excess proteins in the body can contribute to calcium based and uric acid stones. It is best to limit the intake to maximum 8 ounces of pork, beef, poultry or fish per day.
  • Most patients stop consuming foods containing calcium. However, it has been proved that calcium in food does not affect your risk of calculi. So, you can continue eating calcium-rich foods. But, you should avoid taking calcium supplements when not required otherwise.
  • Decrease your intake of Oxalate especially if you have a tendency to form calcium oxalate stones. Oxalate rich foods include rhubarb, beets, spinach, chocolate, tea and peanuts. 

Drugs that prevent kidney calculus:

Passing kidney stones in urine can be unbearably painful. Depending on the composition of the calculus, you may need to take medications like Zyloprim. This medication contains allopurinol and works by preventing the production of uric acid.

Patients are usually prescribed Zyloprim in a dose of 200 to 300 mg per day. You should consult your doctor to know the right dose suitable for your specific condition.

If you have someone close in your family with a history of renal calculi, you have more chances of developing it. Dietary modifications and oral medications like Zyloprim can help reduce or eliminate the chance of this condition.

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Posted by on April 30, 2013 in Anti gout


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How Zyloprim can help you save your joints!

Gout refers to a disease which is caused due to an excess of uric acid in the blood, leading to painful arthritic attacks. It causes hard lumps or crystals of uric acid to be deposited in the tissues, particularly in the joints, resulting in severe inflammation and joint destruction. The most common joint affected by this condition is the big toe. The crystals may also be deposited in the kidneys, causing kidney stones and renal failure.


Uric acid is generated normally as a result of metabolism of the food eaten. However, gout may occur when there is an excessive production of uric acid during this process. People, who suffer from gout due to this abnormality, are called over-producers. About 10% of gout patients fall in this category. Some people can not eliminate uric acid in the urine, resulting in high level of it in blood. Such patients can called under-excreters and comprise of about 90% of gout patients.

Gout can be acute or chronic. An attack of acute gout lasts for a short duration and typically affects only one joint. Chronic gout is characterized by repeated attacks of pain and inflammation involving more than one joint.

What are the causes of Gouty arthritis?

  • The tendency to develop gout is often inherited.
  • The chances of getting this condition are higher in people who eat a lot of meat and fish, high in chemicals that are called purines. Some food substances like fructose in corn syrup, which is usually used in soft drinks, are also known to cause this disease.
  • Men are more commonly affected by this condition than women. Uric acid levels increase at menopause in women and at puberty in men. Hence, men have a higher risk of suffering from it at the time of puberty whereas women are at risk of developing it after menopause.
  • This illness can become worse due to factors such as obesity, weight gain and high alcohol intake.
  • Patients suffering from hypertension are at a higher risk of developing this condition.
  • The incidence of this ailment is higher in Americans of African descent. It is less common in Africans.
  • Exposure to IV contrast dyes and chemotherapy can increase the risk of this disorder.

What are the signs and symptoms of this illness?

  • Pain in the joints
  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Warmth
  • Stiffness

How to treat Gout:

The best medication for managing this disorder is Zyloprim. The main ingredient of this drug is allopurinol. It helps by reducing the level of uric acid in blood.  Buy Zyloprim to treat gout.

How to use Zyloprim?

The recommended dosage of Zyloprim is 200 to 300 mg per day. A higher dose of 400 to 600 mg per day may be required for patients in whom the symptoms are severe. Patients should contact a doctor for more information about this medicine.

Repeated episodes of acute gout can damage the joint, leading to chronic arthritis. Fortunately, there are powerful medications like Zyloprim to treat this disease in a safe and effective manner.

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Posted by on February 26, 2013 in Anti gout


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